
The Bethany Bombers team is a member of the Eastern Wisconsin Lutheran Dartball League. The team consists of church members and a few players from other churches to help out if needed. League play is on Thursday evenings and consists of three games per evening. The team competes against Lutheran churches in the Sheboygan area. The league consists of 12 teams divided into National and American leagues.

Fellowship Table
Pastries and beverages are served in the church narthex following worship services the second Sunday of the month. The fellowship table is hosted by organizations or individual members.

Camp LuWiSoMo
The camp, owned and operated by the South Wisconsin District Missouri Synod, is located near Wild Rose, Wisconsin. Camp LuWisoMo has a full range of year-round camp programs. It offers a variety of accommodations including cabins, tree houses, dormitory, retreat center, chapel and camp grounds.